
If you are in crisis, please contact your local distress centre, your local mobile crisis unit or 911 or go to your nearest hospital.

Please also note that:

  1. Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto Branch, has published a list of crisis resources, including phone numbers for local mobile crisis units, at
  2. Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 416-863-0511; Toll Free 1-866-863-0511; French Line: 1-677-336-2433; see
  3. Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention: see
  4. Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566; Text 45645 (national suicide prevention hotline; online chat also available; hours limited for chat/text; see
  5. Distress and Crisis Ontario lists distress and crisis centres in Ontario at
  6. Distress Centres of Greater Toronto: 416-408-HELP (4357); Text741741 (helpline plus suicide survivor support program plus crisis text); see
  7. Fem’Aide: 1-877-FEMAIDE, 1-877-336-2433; TTY: 1-866-860-7082 (provincial crisis line for the francophone women who have experienced violence in their lives); see
  8. Gerstein Centre: 416-929-5200 (mobile crisis unit, crisis line, community visits, short term residence); see
  9. Good2Talk: 1-866-925-5454 (helpline for Ontario post-secondary students); see
  10. Kids Help Phone/ Jeunesse J’écoute: 1-800-668-6868 (phone and online professional counselling for youth); see
  11. Krasman Centre Warm Line and Crisis Line: 1-888-777-0979; see
  12. North York/Etobicoke Mobile Crisis: 416-498-0043 (provided by Saint Elizabeth)
  13. Ontario Caregiver Organization: 1-833-416-2283 (CARE) (helpline for caregivers; see
  14. York Support Services Network:  1-855-310-COPE (2673) 1-866-323-7785 (TTY) (mobile crisis unit, crisis line, mental health support team, short term crisis beds, crisis peer support); see
  15. Scarborough Hospital Mobile Crisis Program: 416-495-2891 (telephone crisis response plus community crisis response); see
  16. Toronto Rape Crisis Centre: 416-597-8808; see
  17. Toronto Seniors Helpline: 416-217-2077 (on-call mobile crisis intervention and outreach service for seniors who have suspected or diagnosed mental health and/or addictions, 9 to 5pm); see
  18. Youthdale’s Crisis Support Team:  416-363-9990 (telephone and mobile crisis response); see

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

– Viktor E. Frankl